Hmmm. Yesterday. Monday, February 20. It was the day I finally gave in and started taking my daily allergy pills until sometime this Fall. This is the earliest I have ever started taking them on a regular basis. When I was younger, I would take the pills only when symptoms occurred, which meant I would suffer for a while before taking any action to solve the problem, then wait for the medicine to take effect.
Somewhere over the years, doctors advised me to take the pills every day during allergy season. This seemed like a good idea, since it was likely that many days would be allergy days between Spring and Fall. I would take the pills from about late April until mid-June, then from mid August until the first frost usually in October.
Two years ago, my Doctor surprised me when, during the dormant time of early March, he asked me if I was taking my allergy pills yet. Puzzled, I replied, "No, not yet!" He said it was a good idea to start taking them about 3 weeks before symptoms start.
So, since this year has been a particularly mild Winter, and since I have had some annoying health problems in the past few weeks, I decided to start taking the pills now, just in case my premonition is right.
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